Important: Great Pyrenees are intelligent and loving animals and perfect home guardians, especially in relation to children. However, they are large and (through centuries of independent decision making while guarding sheep) very independent. They generally will not come when called and what makes sense to you may not make sense to the Pyr. While not noted for obedience, they will work with you and adapt to your family lifestyle if you are fair in all forms of discipline. A Pyr should never be hit or yelled at – PYRescue can provide guidance on fair discipline measures that work with most Pyr’s. Since Pyr’s will not come when called you must always keep them in enclosed areas and on a leash when outside the fenced area – even for walks.
Pyrescue will review your application and get back to you as soon as we can.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
What kind of Pyrenees are you looking for (age, sex, size, etc.)?*
Are you familiar with The Great Pyrenees Breed and Characteristics? * Choose one: Yes No
Have you ever given up a pet? * Choose one: Yes No
Do you live in a house, condo, apartment or other?
How many people live in the household? *
Who else lives with you (give age, sex of children)?*
What is Your occupation?*
What is your Spouse/Significant Other occupation?*
Is an adult home all day?* Choose one: Yes No
If not, how long will your Pyrenees be left alone each day?*
Does your home have a fenced yard?* Choose one: Yes No
How high is the fence?*
Do you currently have any dogs and cats?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what kind of animals do you have?*
Are all your pets neutered or spayed?
Are all your pets vaccinated now?* Choose one: Yes No
Are your pets up to date on their heartworm preventative?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware of the grooming needs of a Great Pyrenees?* Choose one: Yes No
Great Pyrenees BARK loudly and if you have close neighbors, they must be kept inside, especially at night. Will this be a problem for you?* Choose one: Yes No
Will your Pyrenees sleep inside with the family at night?* Choose one: Yes No
Will you be using a crate, and if so for how long at a time?*
Will your Pyrenees be a family pet?* Choose one: Yes No
Where will the dog spend the day?*
When young – up to 2 years of age the Pyrenees can be quite a trial, although they are a true reward at maturity. Are you willing to commit the time, patience, and love and care which these wonderful friends require?* Choose one: Yes No
I promise to give my new companion the time to adjust and feel comfortable in their new home. If training is needed I will only use positive reinforcement techniques or find a trainer that uses positive or reward based training. I promise to give my new companion the time to adjust and feel comfortable in their new home. If training is needed I will only use positive reinforcement techniques or find a trainer that uses positive or reward based training.* Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to wait a reasonable time for Great Pyrenees Rescue to locate a suitable Great Pyrenees for you and will you agree to promptly inform PYRescue should you (while waiting) decide not to adopt for any reason?* Choose one: Yes No
May a Great Pyrenees Rescue representative visit your home to conduct a pre-adoption interview by appointment?* Choose one: Yes No
Please provide contact information for your vet (s) for all cats and dogs that you have now Name or Clinic Name, Telephone number, Name of pet's records*
Should you adopt a Great Pyrenees from PYRescue will you be willing to continue to remain in contact with PYRescue representatives on a reasonably periodic basis so as to keep PYRescue aware of the circumstances (good & bad) surrounding your Pyrs life? * Choose one: Yes No
Your ListThe mission of PYRescue is to provide for the continuing care and support of all Great Pyrenees in need of assistance through no fault of their own.
The mission of PYRescue is to provide for the continuing care and support of all Great Pyrenees in need of assistance through no fault of their own.